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New flooring for the nursery was installed yesterday while we were at one of our baby classes. Man do I love it so much. It is so beautiful. Now I want my entire house done in laminate flooring (thank you Costco!). Except I have a lot of shit to move around. Not so likely to happen with Weenuh's impending arrival but I'm motivated now for sure to get the rest of the house done.
As you can see in the photo, the room is now painted too though the moulding around the bottom needs to be re-attached. But with the walls painted and the carpet extracted, the nursery is now officially de-funked! There are no more smelly remnants of my father living in that room for what, 5 1/2 or 6 1/2 years? Hooray.
Next up besides re-hanging the closet doors and adding the trim back in the room is assembly of the crib and the purchasing of the rest of the nursery furniture (i.e. a glider and dresser at least)! Oh and hanging a curtain over the window since we trashed the mini-blind that was hanging in there (god was it filthy).
Ok so I've apparently lost all sense of time passing. I haven't blogged for nearly 3 months, I've considered it but haven't been moved enough to do it apparently. Everything is going well, my blood sugar issues have leveled off thankfully. The DMV let me keep my license, I just have to submit an update in the next two weeks and given that I haven't had any episodes since like early April, it should just be a matter of signoffs on the paperwork.
Things have definitely been changing in my world. Besides my fat belly becoming a round baby belly, I can happily say that after 7 1/2 years my father FINALLY has moved out of my house. And most of his funk has been removed from the house, though we need to rip up the carpet, paint and re-floor his former room. It is finally OUR HOUSE. I can't stop saying it to hubby. We're over the moon we're alone at last. The little things have been so pleasant. Having a room for a nursery is so so exciting.
While I have been enjoying the miracle of being pregnant, I think I have still been holding back my true comprehension that the odds are looking really good now that we will come home with a healthy baby girl. With my dad leaving, it has really finally been able to sink in somewhat that we're about to have our own little lovely family. And holy crap, in under 60 days I'M GOING TO BE A MOMMY. Crazy. I have so many medical appointments it's making me crazy. But they are all for the greater good so I can't complain. And it is reassuring to get constant checks that Weenuh is healthy and everything is progressing as it should.
I have boatloads of photos to upload and all that but it's way too early to do that now. Just thought I'd take a moment between trips to the bathroom to say everything is good, still pregnant, still able to work (after Friday I have just 4 weeks of work left in 2009!), enjoying my vacant house. About to celebrate 10 years of marriage to my hubby. (Yes, that's right. 75% of our marriage has been spent with my asshole father living in our house. Hubby is a saint.)
More will come later, perhaps even with pictures!