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So after a week of exclusively knitting my Forest Canopy Shawl, I have a wonderful shawl to show for my faithfulness! This is my shawl knit on size 4 circular needles out of Seacoast Handpainted yarn in the Glacier colorway.
I am really loving this shawl. I discovered one major boo-boo while I was blocking the shawl which can easily be seen in the photo below:
I was trying to figure out what the heck I did here but I really have no idea. It looks like I might have dropped a stitch or something, but I'm not positive that's what it is because it's in the opposite knitting direction. At any rate, it was fixed fairly easily by using a crochet hook to ladder up a stitch and then I fastened that loop with some extra yarn. It's all fixed now and while the square looks a little odd if you're staring at it, it certainly isn't the gaping hole it is in the above photo! I know there are little oopsies throughout this shawl (there were a hell of a lot of yarn overs to keep remembering to do) but I am very happy with the result. It's kind of amusing because the pattern says to start the edging when it has X number of stitches, but when I counted how many stitches I had, I was already 100 stitches over that! I think I probably should have knit this on bigger needles, but I am very happy with my results as it is. I did still have some yarn left (I would have had a TON left if I had actually started the edging when the pattern calls for it).
Here are a couple more shots of the shawl while it was still blocking:
I liked the edging so I took a closeup shot of the bottom point of the shawl:
Overall, I am very happy with the shawl. It was an easy lace shawl to knit and I loved using some sock yarn for something other than socks!
Before I go, I do have one more photo to post and that is of my wonderful hubby that is currently untangling some of my Regia sock yarn that had previously been wound into a ball and was waiting patiently to be turned into socks.
I knit a swatch of it on size 2 needles because I wanted to try to knit socks on size 2's instead of my usual 3's. I don't know how the hell it got as tangled as it did, but it is awful. Part of the problem is because this yarn seems really kind of sticky (and scratchy actually, ugh). I am just doing the simple dw stitch on it and I am happy with how it is turning out (even if I'm kind of leery of the yarn, but I'm going to wash it and hope it gets better!). I like being able to do a somewhat mindless sock after the shawl and after a knitting frustration with the Vicki Howell Love yarn. (I am trying to make the fabulous Peeks & Waves pillow cover she posted the pattern for recently. Slippery yarn + dropped YO stitches = frustrating knitting!) But I am a masochist and I am sure I will pick it up again because I really love how that pillow turns out! I am hoping I can muscle through it and get it done in time to mail to Florida for mother's day.
I think I must be having a post BobaKnit laughing frenzy high because I am blogging at freaking 11:30pm and I haven't blogged in a week. I laughed so hard tonight, it was a ball! I so needed to come out of my knitting closet sooner! Oh well, I am very glad I did because I had so much fun tonight.
I have successfully finished my Elfine socks! Hooray! I actually finished sock #1 on Saturday and promptly cast on sock #2 and knit my little heart out on Sunday and Monday and finished #2 late Monday night. I have only now just taken the time to slip them on my sock blockers. I did a dry slip on because even though I am on a post knitting fun high, I am still fairly tired and not feeling terribly smart. But here they are dry blocked:
Words cannot express how much I am in love with these socks! They are the same leafy pattern that my favorite lace dishcloth is made out of. I think it is also the same pattern the candle light shawl is made out of (I think that is the name of it. See above comment about being tired while doing this blog post!). Whatever the heck pattern it is from, I love it so much!
Here are a couple of closeup shots of the lace pattern:

As you can probably tell from the closeup photos, the second sock I knit came out much more purpley than the first one that came out predominantly green. I am still very happy with how these socks look.
I am now faithfully knitting on my Forest Canopy Shawl. I don't know if I am making good progress on it but I think I am finally getting comfortable with the long purl rows back across. I think I knit a full repeat between last night watching the AI results show and tonight at Boba. I keep looking at it wondering if I should have used bigger needles (I'm using size 4's) but I don't know that I have the heart to frog it at this point. I think I have plenty of yarn using the 4's but we shall see. I am sure I will get to where I have run out of yarn and it will be too small for me and I will have to frog it. And then I will cry. I neglected to take a pic of it because it looks the same as it did last time, there's just more of it now. It is still very pretty yarn though, I am enjoying watching the colors change in it and loving how it is not pooling.
I got some yarn this week! I got my Posh Yarn shipment for the April sock club. This is the April Showers colorway:
I also got one of all 12 colors of Adara from I am going to make their Adara Rainbow Shawl with it.
I am still trying to be exclusively faithful to the Forest Canopy Shawl for fear of never finishing the damn thing if I try to knit other things. Although I do feel so naked without a sock in progress, so I will likely pick a pattern to knit in the next couple of days.
And then the last BobaKnit I went to, Abigail was getting rid of some yarn that she wasn't happy with and some that she thought she was allergic to so I picked up some of this lovely Southwest Trading Company Bamboo yarn in the Serendipity colorway.
It kills me that the SWTC page for their Bamboo yarn has the Serendipity colorway in the photo at the top of the page, but in the list of colorways, the Serendipity box says the photo is coming soon.
Ok, my Boba high is wearing off so I think it is time to stop blogging for tonight!
So I am back to the blogging world after a break. Life got a little sad last week (it still is a little, it is better though), but sometimes that's how it is.
While I was away, I made pretty good use of my time.
The EA at my client had the displeasure of slamming her thumb in her car door and desired a hand knit thumb cover. She's a rather, um, loud girl and quite noisily requested for me to knit her a thumb cover. So one night with the extreme desire to shut her up, I sat down for half an hour or so and knit her one up with my leftover yarn from the Fetching gloves. This is me modeling it (it took so many shots to get one in focus!!) and one of it lying on my desk after I got the focused shot on my hand.

She loved it and actually has worn it for several days.
I heard that the controller at my former client is pregnant and having a girl, so I knit her some gifts.
First up, the lovely orangutan Schweetheart kindly modeled the 5 hour baby sweater set I knit:
And here it is laid flat:
The yarn is Bernat Baby Coordinates in Pink and the pattern, of course, is my favorite pattern, the 5 Hour Baby Sweater and the other pieces are the matching bonnet and booties. Super fast and super simple to knit. I am really pleased with how these turned out. I think they will be great newborn gear!
Because I think I lost my mind in Michael's the day I bought the yarn for the 5 hour sweater, I bought another ball of Sugar n' Creme in Strawberry Swirl to make this lovely Papillon washcloth as another gift to tuck into the package:
I am so very pleased with how this turned out as well. It is even kind of pretty from the back side:
(Clearly I changed flash settings between these pictures. I have no idea what setting I used on the first pic that worked so damn well but I will have to make a note of which setting I used because the color is so much better than the back side photo!)
And lastly, this isn't something new I knit, but rather it is a new way to show off my socks! I finally purchased the sock blockers from Chappywoman on eBay. I am so in love!! Since I am such a cat fanatic, I couldn't pick between the two so I got my hubby to buy me one. :)
This first photo is of the Smokey Jo sock blockers (modeling my Monkey socks):
And here is the photo of my Fat Cat sock blockers (modeling my Whiskers and Paw Prints socks):
Now I just need to finish my current socks so that I can block them on my new blockers! Though now the only things I have on needles now are my Elfine socks and my Forest Canopy Shawl. I wasn't knitting too much on my shawl because I wasn't comfortable with the length of cable I had so I took a break while I waited for my Knitpicks shipment for the final two lengths I hadn't yet purchased. But now I have them so I presume I will resume knitting my shawl!