So when you first come in the door, their yarns are hanging from poles:

As you get into the store a little more, there start to be the boards above the yarns with projects knit out of their yarns.

I love the snails on the pants and jacket pockets on the display above.
Plus they have samples of kits they sell:

The cute kid patterns are just endless in this place:

After walking in the store a ways, there is a door that leads you to the second store front room that makes up their shop. That's where awesome overload goes into full overdrive.
There are embellishments like patches and other decorations:

And ribbons. Oh the ribbons:

On the left side of the wall across from the ribbons are flowers (below more awesomely cute kid patterns):

The flowers are directly in front of a little counter that seems to have been for sorting out button and bead purchases:

I think I mentioned this before, but how you shop in this store is you go to the main counter in the back with the pattern you want to make and you tell them what size/color/yarn you want to make your project and they go downstairs, gather your yarn and come back up with your balls of yarn. They sell their patterns individually as well as in their awesome pattern books they publish themselves. (I think all the adult clothes are sold individually, the books contain baby/children's clothing and they have a book of jewelry patterns.)
I was really, really in love with one of their pattern books before I went to Paris but when I asked for the book that had the pattern I wanted, I was shocked with the news that they have now published one of their books in English! I so totally bought it:

I only made two purchases in La Droguerie, the second being one of their project kits:

Sorry for some blurry shots, I wanted to take photos of every inch of the store but I didn't want to look like some kind of freak with my camera flash going off repeatedly so I Kinneared my photos and took them with my iPhone. Some worked, some didn't but they definitely captured the magic that was La Droguerie.
That place is so cute! You're making me want to try to sneak away to Paris while we're in Europe. :)
Oh geez- you are really making me wish I lived somewhere where I could wear sweaters again... I'll just have to stock up for the future I guess. Looks like an awesome shop
it's a good thing you kinneared your shots because when i went to la droguerie and took a shot as i was walking out the door, one woman was on her way to stop me.
Wow, that's a really cool shop!! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip...thanks for sharing your photos :)
I was just in Paris at La Droguerie. The staff couldn't have been nicer or more helpful! I went three times! I bought some alpaca for a sweater and bamboo for a scarf. Pattern yet to be translated... I wish I had bought more beads , ribbon and buttons.
I guess I have to go back.
I stayed at a great hotel called The Neva. I also found online before I went a group called French Knitters in Paris. These knitters are English speaking and meet once a week at Les Halles. Unfortunately, I was unable to connect but you can google them.
I had a great time.
I have just read this post and am drooling! I'm off to Toulouse next month, and there's a La Droguerie shop there. Thanks for sharing your photos.
I don't usually comment, but I just have to thank you for explaining HOW to buy yarn at La Droguerie. I'm spending the year in Paris and brought my needles but no yarn, and today I stumbled across this store but, being American, had no idea how to ask for what I wanted and fled instead. But armed with the knowledge you've passed on, I shall return! Thanks so much!
I loved that little cat but bought a bit of Liberty to sew a adorable bloomers for Clara. You can stock on Liberty and buttons and ribbons, etc...
I took my friend Anna and she bought some feathers. I love this shop too.
Does anyone know where I can buy the book La Droguerie's Babies (English version) here in the United States? I have tried Amazon already. Thanks!
I would love to get the English version of that book as well. Any idea on where to purchase La Droguerie’s Babies for those that live in the States?
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