I'm not a scrapbooker (although I think I may become one since I have so much paper), but I was originally planning on taking some card projects but I was tired from working extra hours at my client (to minimize the PTO I would have to use to be able to take Friday off) that I couldn't think straight, so in the end I decided to take nothing except knitting! I bought a few things at the expo and a few things at the craft store we visited so I wasn't empty handed for paper activities but it didn't occupy much of my time.
I started my next sock while I was there. I am using my Posh Yarn from the March club shipment (March Hare) and I am using the Elfine's Leaf-Lace Socks pattern for them. I am loving how they are looking, it is the same leaf pattern that is in my favorite lace dishcloth pattern. Here I am in the room we crafted in in our hotel in Livermore modeling my early progress on the sock:

I also worked on my Forest Canopy shawl this weekend. I didn't make a whole lot of progress inch wise because it is getting really broad (oh the fun I have ahead of me!) but it is now a pretty decent amount larger than it was in my March 9th photo. I haven't taken any progress shots of it but I will get to it soon.
Over all, it was a terribly fun weekend and I am very glad that I decided to go. Besides the ladies I went with being really fun, I got a whole weekend with the OCK. I think this photo shows how happy we were to be away for the weekend!