I never did blog about my Christmas gift I got from my lovely friend Amy (I love it, her site is titled "Knitting in the Slow Lane" but since she hasn't posted in, oh, nearly 2 years it's more like "Blogging in the Slow Lane"! teehee). We had a secret Santa gift exchange among our group of friends, and luckily, not only was she my secret Santa, she also saw my beggar post!
Amy also gave me a beautiful Della Q bag that I adore:
One piece I have left out of the story so far, is the permission slip. Yes, a permission slip!
And because I appear to be on a totally random blog post streak, I will finally post my pics of my hubby modeling his Dashing gloves I knit him for Christmas. They've come in very handy lately, it's been pretty chilly here lately.
I think they look better when they are worn rather than lying on a table.
So, I will wrap up my everlasting post with hamster pics! I finally have seen the babies! With fur! And open eyes!
They sure do make lots of little squeaks. It's very cute. OH! How exciting! More photos, and all 5 of them even! This viewing though, it doesn't really appear that their eyes are actually open yet. One of them might have open eyes, but it doesn't look like they are open fully yet.
This is so sweet, I'm so thrilled I caught a photo of it. The little teensy babies are nursing on their little teensy mama. It is so cute looking at these baby Roborovski hamsters!!
I think I mentioned in my last post (lazy streak is coming up again) that we moved papa to some new digs, and again I finally uploaded the pics:
(Why yes, that is the dragon dishcloth I knitted for my hubby. Yes, great usage it's getting. Keeping papa hamham's sleeping digs dark.)
And here he is running in his ginormous wheel:
Ok, so since I started this post when it was still Friday and it's now Saturday, I think it is time for me to get a move on. I have a semi-formal event to attend tomorrow night that I have to shop for in the morning. Yes, I did not buy anything yet to wear to it. Yes, it won't stop fucking raining. Yes, it is going to be a beautiful hair night. Woo.
Oh, and I nearly forgot! I wanted to give a shout out to my lovely friend inside the computer, Hakucho (aka Deb!) who gave my my first ever award!
I will continue the circle, though I am going to make this fast because omg huge post. My friends, both in the computer and outside the computer, who make my day are:
- The OCK - For being my creativity inspiration. All of my crafts I love to do, you reminded me of how much I loved doing them growing up and inspired me to do them again.
- Kristi - For being my sock yarn conscience and for inspiring me to queue beautiful projects you link to me!
- Kelli - Also my friend in the computer, you make my day because you took up knitting after my praising the glory of knitting chatting with you online. I'm so thrilled that you are having so much fun and have now not only found a group of people to knit with in your little town but have also inspired a couple of friends to take up knitting!
- Mo - After so many years of being able to call you friend (dude, we hit 20 years.. wtf when did that happen), I'm so happy to still be connected to you. I hope your little girl gets to you soon. I can't wait to knit her something.
- And last but not least, my BobaKnit pals (yeah, I'm just going to name the group, dude I will be here until 5am if I don't!) - I am so happy to have decided to swallow my shyness and hang out twice a week to knit with you all. I am having so much fun getting to know you all.
<3 I love how your mister is going rawr! The little glovies turned out great!
the little beans are sooo cute! are you keeping them and omg what are you going to name them?
thanks for the sweet words awwww! *sniffs* you're an inspiration!
Those hamster babies are TOO cute!! And what a great stash from your secret pal! I'm jealous!!!
Love those socks...color is awesome. It's so nice that your hubby love his mitts. They look great on him!
Your babies are so cute!!!
Awwwww, you made MY day! :) But 20 years? What were we, just barely out of diapers?
Thanks for including me and especially for the sweet words about my little one to be. Ya got me all teary!
Cute baby pics! They are catching up to their mom in size already! or so it looks in the pics, maybe they are all piled up on each other and look big. I have witnessed the clapotis, so I know it exists even with out pictures.
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